Weaving is a binary system: for every pass of the shuttle, each warp thread is either up or down, raised or lowered. Oriane Stender’s woven paintings work within and against this dichotomy. Up and down still exist, but the spaces between them are where the unpredictable and the surprising happen. Using a combination of painted warp and a Log Cabin weave structure, the ups, downs, and interspaces form a Venn diagram of color, value, and pattern.
Oriane Stender is an independent artist working in a hybrid of painting and weaving. Join her in her studio at the International Studio and Curatorial Program in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn (see map), for a casual open studio event, where you will see two large floor looms in operation, one dressed with cotton, one with fine silk. See her woven paintings both in process and completed, and hear from the artist about her self-developed technique.
Free and open to the public, but pre-registration is suggested. Proof of vaccination and masks are required.
2:00 – 6:00 PM Friday September 30th
International Studio and Curatorial Program
1040 Metropolitan Ave, Studio 109
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Image: Work by Oriane Stender