What does it mean to be “out of place”? Places hold particular connotations for individuals. “It’s my place.” “Take your place.” The place you are from. The place you wish to go. The place where you can dream. Thoughts of time and identity are wrapped into the word “place”. Are we bound in place? Certainly in the last year many felt this to be true. But, what happens when a sense of place is not ours — when we are “out of bounds”? When we no longer have a place to dream?
Tom Lundberg is a visual artist who lives in Fort Collins, Colorado. He is professor emeritus in the Department of Art & Art History at Colorado State University, where he coordinated the program in fibers. Lundberg has lectured and led workshops in the United States, England, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, and South Korea.
Steven Frost (they/them) is an instructor in the Department of Media Studies, an interdisciplinary fiber artist, and the Faculty Director of the B2 Center for Media, Arts, and Performance at the University of Colorado, Boulder.