In the Main Gallery
June 19 to August 1, 2020
Artists: Angela George, Chief Janice George & Buddy Joseph, Dawn Livera & Adrienne Neufeld, Krista Point, Nadia Sajjid, Ruth Sheuing, Shamina Senaratne, Michelle Sirois Silver, Debra Sparrow, Robyn Sparrow, Mary Lou Trinkwon, Doaa Jamal, Damian John, Sholeh Mahlouji, Michelle Nahanee, and Kit Walton
In partnership with the Vancouver Biennale, curated by Zarina Laalo, exhibition coordinated by Lori Lai
Reception & Artist Talk: Dates To Be Confirmed
Imaa Mayaa Gaa-izhi-waabanda’iding
E-apikeng Izhitwaawinan gaye Aweneniwiying
Ode’iminigiizis 19 biinish Miinigiizis 1, 2020
Gaa-mazinichigewaad: Angela George, Chief Janice George & Buddy Joseph, Dawn Livera & Adrienne Neufeld, Krista Point, Nadia Sajid, Ruth Sheuing, Shamina Senaratme, Michelle Sirois Silver, Debra Sparrow, Robyn Sparrow, Mary Lou Trinkwon, Doaa Jamal, Damian John, Sholeh Mahlouji, Michelle Nahanee, gaye Kit Walton; wiiji-izhichigemaawaa Vancouver Endaso-niizho-biboon, gaa-gii-maawadoosidood Zarina Laalo, waabanda’iwewin gaa-gii-ozhisidood Lori Lai.
Gaa-maawaji’iding & Ji-gaagiigidod Mazinichigeg: Baamaa da-wiindamagem
Iwe Vancouver Endaso-niizho-biboon miigiwewag owe E-apikeng Izhitwaawinan gaye Aweneniwiying miziwe Gaanada Akiing Ji-waabanda’iweng, obiidoonaawaa Urban Shaman Noongom Anishinaabe Mazinichigewin Waabanda’iwewigamig
E-apikeng Izhitwaawinan gaye Aweneniwiying waawaabanjigaade wegonen iwe aweneniwiying gaye gaa-bakaanwewaandakin dinookaanan izhitwaawinan, e-aabajichigaadeg dash e-apikewad ji-dibaajimong. Gaa-mazinichigewaad gaye gaa-apikewaad Vancouver gaa-daawaad waasa dash agaamakiing gaa-onjiiwaad, gaye igi Anishinaabeg Jiigew Gichi-gamiing Selish gaa-izhinikaazowaad daabishkoo Maskwiyam gaye Skwaamish, gaye Tsleyil-Waatooth gaye Telaazten gii-maamawi-biinaawag ji-oko-dazhiikamowaad 10 gaa-agaasingin “anama’aa apisijiganan” daabishkoo gaa-ayaawaad wedi waasa agaamakiing gaa-izhitwaawaad dago dash omaa anishinaabe apikaanan.
Amii ezhi-ginigawi-inaabiigisijigaadegin izhitwaawinan ji-maamawi-gaagiigidowaad begbakaan gaa-izhitwaawaad gaa-mazinichigewaad, e-miinindiwaad izhitwaawi-gikendaasowin gaye aweneniwiwaad gii-aabajitoowaad zhinoodaagan gaye bagwaanish. Amii owe gaa-baatiinwewaanagak izhichigewin ezhi-dagwiimagak imaa Vancouver Endaso-niizho-biboon 2018-2020 waabanda’iwewin “giiwe-mazinichigan-n”.
Ninanaakomaanaanig ewiijitwaawaad owe izhichigewin ogo: Gaanada Gaa-miigiwewaad Zhooniyaa Ji-mazinichigeng, Buschlen Mowatt Nichol Foundation, Heritage BC, Gaanada Ogimaawiwin, Vancouver Gaa-izhi-ganawenjigaadegin Gete-gegoonan. Miigwech, Haihai, Ekosi, Merci, Thank you.
The Vancouver Biennale presents the Weaving Cultural Identities national touring exhibition, hosted by Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art Gallery.
Weaving Cultural Identities explores multicultural identity and intercultural relations through traditional weaving as a storytelling medium. Graphic artists and weavers from Vancouver’s immigrant Muslim communities and Coast Salish Indigenous communities including Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh, and Tl’azt’en were brought together in collaboration to create a series of 10 small-scale “prayer rugs” inspired by Islamic prayer rugs and ceremonial Indigenous weavings.
The weavings are a visual manifest of prominent, national dialogues surrounding the reconciliation of heritage, and the sharing and celebration of cultural knowledge, symbolism and self-identification through textile traditions. This multi-part project Is part of Vancouver Biennale’s 2018-2020 curatorial theme, “re-IMAGE-n”.
Special thanks for the support on this project: Canada Council for the Arts, Buschlen Mowatt Nichol Foundation, Heritage BC, Government of Canada, Museum of Vancouver
Urban Shaman: Contemporary Aboriginal Art Gallery acknowledges the support, throughout the year, of our friends, volunteers, community and all our relations, NCI FM, CAHRD, Wawanesa Insurance, Winnipeg Foundation, Manitoba Heritage, the Winnipeg Arts Council, the Manitoba Arts Council, the Canada Council for the Arts. ~Miigwetch/ Hai Hai/ Ekosi / Merci/ Thank you