WORLD IKAT TEXTILES…ties that bind
A voyage of the World’s most celebrated Textile, IKAT
15th April – 25th June 2016
Curated by Edric Ong & Manjari Nirula.
The exhibition celebrates the rich legacy of Ikat, an age old textile technique stretching across the continents of the world. This unique collection brings together an array of some of the priceless pieces of “IKAT” with live demonstrations by master weavers, a Symposium, film screenings and a book display. This program reflects the World Crafts Council’s global commitment to nurture, promote and revive precious indigenous craft skills. It also serves to connect the skilled practitioners from across these diverse regions to contemporary society and promote greater awareness of the hand-woven tradition and its innovation.
Thursday 14 April:Opening of Exhibition with Focal Lobby display on “mud-mee” Ikat Textiles of Thailand
Friday 13 May: Focal Lobby Display changes to Indian Ikat textiles.
Saturday 14 & Sun 15 May: Symposium on “Ikat Textiles-Ties That Bind (Past, Present and Future)”
Thursday 9 June: Focal Lobby Display changes to Central Asian Ikat Textiles with supporting event.