Vote Now for your 2023 – 2027 Board of Directors
Dear TSA Members
I am pleased to inform you that Isaac Facio has agreed to take on the role of President Elect. As a reminder, when former VP/President Elect Karen Hampton stepped down, according to the By-Laws the Board was required to choose her successor from the existing Board members. After careful consideration, Isaac agreed to take on this role, and has worked closely with Sharbreon Plummer and L Vinebaum to craft the new Co-Vice President roles which you see on the ballot. This Co-Vice President initiative was approved by the full Board.
The final ballot for the Board of Directors 2023–2027 will be available the 13th of October through the 13th of November 2022. Please note that this timeline has changed to due to the Nominations committee’s efforts to assure that all nominees have all the information they need and the support necessary for the next steps in creating the best possible team.
Thanks to all those that have submitted nominations and stepped forth to be considered for a position on the Board of Directors of the Textile Society of America. We have received a wonderful response which has resulted in an extraordinary pool of potential colleagues. If you have any questions about this process or the election, please contact the Nominations Committee at
The timeline for the election and board turnover is as follows:
Updated Timeline:
- Ballots becomes available: 13th of October 2022
- Voting ends: 13th of November 2022
- Beginning of term for new Board Directors: 1st of January 2023
I extend my thanks to the Nominations committee, the candidates who have put themselves forward, and last but not least, to the Board members I have had the privilege of serving with since 2018.
Melinda Watt
TSA President 2021-2023
Click on the names / images below to view candidates’ bios and statements.
To read position descriptions and learn more about the nominations process, click here.
TSA Co-Vice Presidents
Dr. Sharbreon Plummer and Dr. L Vinebaum
Assistant Director of Equity and Inclusion

Professor of Anthropology
Director, McClure Archives and University Museum, University of Central Missouri
Director-at-Large for Equity and Inclusion
Director-at-Large for Equity and Inclusion

Assistant Professor Of Fashion Design And Social Justice
Parsons School Of Design
School Of Fashion
Assistant Director of Membership and Outreach
Assistant Director of Programs
Director-at-Large for
Membership, Outreach & Programs
Assistant Director of Communications
Director-at-Large for Communications
Assistant Director of Volunteers and Mentorship
Director of Awards and Scholarships
Assistant Director of Awards and Scholarships
Voting is available to current TSA members only. Please log in below, or renew your membership here.
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