
Kyoung Ae Cho
1997 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Recent Work - 2016 Kyoung Ae states, "Nature has been conducting continuous experiments into processes, and has been doing it for millions of years. The ...

Tomoko Ishida
1998 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Recent Work - 2018 "When I touch, hold, release, hold again, and watch the paper in front of me, with just this simple movement, my ...

Sonya Clark
2000 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Recent Work - 2018, 2016 Over 250 people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the artist to unravel the contentious flag. It's a slow, arduous, ...

Soonran Youn
2002 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Recent Work - 2016 "Figurative forms constructed in parametric linear structures that contain space within reside in the existential field where the self and the ...

Elana Herzog
2004 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Recent Work - 2014 "I began using textile as a sculptural material in the mid 1980's when it was relatively absent from the mainstream of ...

Andrea Vander Kooij
2006 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Recent Work - 2008 Heavily mildewed and stained, partially finished quilt found on the street in the artist's neighborhood. Discarded along with photo albums and ...

Stephen Beal (1939-2010)
2008 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Last Work Stephen Beal wrote of his installation, Fontleroy Plantation, (which was featured in the April/May 2010 issue of Fiberarts), “The work consists of three ...

Sharon Kallis
2010 Lillian Elliott Award Recipient Recent Work - 2018 "The current work that most excites me is not my routine of making personal objects of clothing, but how those same ...

Olivia Valentine
2012 Brandford/Elliott Award for Excellence in Fiber Art Recipient Olivia Valentine, who has studied at Cooper Union, Brown University, Rhode Island School of Design, and The School of the Art ...

Andrea Donnelly
2014 Brandford/Elliott Award for Excellence in Fiber Art Recipient Andrea says of her work, "Cloth, in its seemingly infinite varieties of texture, weight, appearance, and significance, is deeply linked to ...

Joanne Arnett
2016 Brandford/Elliott Award for Excellence in Fiber Art Recipient Joanne Arnett combines the practices of photography and textiles into a single discipline. Her work explores the dualities of transience and ...

Diedrick Brackens
2018 Brandford/Elliott Award for Excellence in Fiber Art Recipient “I have been thinking about water for some time now. As a weaver and an artist whose practice is materials-based, I ...

Sonya Clark (2019)
Born in Washington DC to a psychiatrist from Trinidad and a nurse from Jamaica, Sonya Clark’s work draws from the legacy of crafted objects and the embodiment of skill. As ...

Ruby Ghuznavi (2019)
Ruby Ghuznavi Founder and Managing Director, Aranya Crafts Ltd (1991 to 2011) Watch a video of Ruby Ghuznavi in conversation with Cathy Stevulak and TSA Board member Dr. Sharbreon Plummer ...

New Professionals Convening 2019: Envisioning Textiles Futures
Click anywhere on the image above to begin listening. This is a recording of the panel conversation from Textile Society of America's New Professionals Convening: Envisioning Textiles Futures, held on ...

Research Travel Grant
TSA's Research Travel Grant supports two research travel grants (up to $1000 each). Thanks to the generosity of Elena Phipps, TSA President 2012-2014, and Alan Finkel, TSA is pleased to ...

Research Travel Grant
Through the generosity of Elena Phipps and Alan Finkel, TSA is able to offer a new grant to enable individual TSA members to travel to conduct textile research. The award ...

Research Travel Grant Application
The Research Travel Grant is an opportunity for members of TSA only. Please log in below to access the application form. If you are not currently a member, click here ...

TSA Fellows
2021 Nominations Are Now Closed Due July 31st, 2021 Every two years, we gather to celebrate the accomplishments of those individuals who, over the course of their careers, have made ...

Anne Wilson (2017)
Anne Wilson Anne Wilson is a Chicago-based visual artist who creates sculpture, drawings, performances and video animations that explore themes of time, loss, and private and social rituals. Her artwork ...

Louise Mackie (2017)
Louise Mackie Louise Mackie’s leadership as a founding director and past President of TSA (1996-1998), along with her curatorial work in the subject of Islamic textiles has contributed enormously to ...

Scholarship Application for Textiles Close Up: Textiles In Toronto
The Textiles Close Up program provides a fee waiver for one TSA member to participate in each event. The program offers exclusive behind-the-scenes visits to view important textile collections in ...

Sheila Hicks (2015)
Sheila Hicks Throughout her career, Sheila Hicks has been a groundbreaking artist using textiles and fiber as her metier. Her contributions to the art world are widely recognized. She has ...

Jack Lenor Larsen (2015)
Jack Lenor Larsen Jack Lenor Larson (1927–2020) worked as a designer, a researcher, an author and a curator for over 60 years. Developing a distinctive modernist aesthetic, his textiles were ...

Ann P. Rowe (2015)
Ann P. Rowe Ann Pollard Rowe's career as a researcher, curator, and author spans archaeological, historic and ethnographic textiles of the Americas. Throughout her career Ann has demonstrated a passion ...

Nominate a Book
Eligibility Nominations are open to English language books (including bi or multi lingual publications in which all essential information appears in English). For the purpose of the award, "ethnic" textiles ...

Textiles Close Up Scholarships
Textiles Close Up is an exciting new series of study-workshops that provides opportunities to examine first hand, textiles in leading museum and private collections , guided by renowned experts. Workshops ...

Student / New Professional Scholarship
These merit-based scholarships are presented biennially to selected TSA members who are currently either students in a textile-related field, have graduated from a textile-related field within the past three years ...

Founding Presidents Award
The Founding Presidents Award was inaugurated in 2008 to recognize excellence in the field of textile studies and to ensure that the finest new work is represented at the organization’s ...
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