This application is open until filled.
The School of Graduate Studies seeks a full-time faculty member in the Fashion and Textiles Studies Department specializing in Textile Conservation. The department offers courses in the conservation of textiles and dress, collection management, costume and textile mounting and museum practice, as well as in the history of fashion and textiles and fashion theory. The ideal candidate will be an experienced textile conservator, able to teach introductory and advanced courses in conservation and related areas. The full-time teaching load is 12 hours per semester. The successful candidate will also be responsible for the management of the department’s laboratories and will receive a 3 hour teaching release per semester for this responsibility. The candidate will have a record of scholarship and teaching experience and will have made contributions to the field through research, publications, conference presentations, lectures, and involvement in professional meetings.
The candidate will have a network of connections in the field, including contacts in museums and organizations such as the American Institute for Conservation, the Textile Society of America, and the Costume Society of America. The ideal candidate will have a versatile and interdisciplinary outlook and the ability to work collaboratively with the department Chairperson and a range of colleagues, students, and external stakeholders.
For more information and to apply, visit:;jsessionid=C3817D5582822ED673A8C84DD666B12A?JOBID=173706&CNTRNO=0&TSTMP=1712605576218