October 6-9, 2025
Contact: MuseumCuratorial@gwu.edu
The George Washington University Museum and the Textile Museum are pleased to announce, “Understanding Carpets and Rug Weaving,” a four-day workshop, held from October 6 through October 9 at the museum’s Avenir Foundation Conservation and Collections Resource Center.
The workshop will be led by Walter B. Denny (The Textile Museum Research Associate, The University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Sumru Belger Krody (Senior Curator, The Textile Museum Collection) with support from the museum’s curatorial, collections management, and conservation staff.
The workshop will address professional concerns of museum curators and academic scholars from all levels of experience, including those currently undertaking graduate study. Please visit our website to register.
The museum is happy to provide a scholarship covering the registration fee and hotel accommodation to one graduate student or PhD candidate for the workshop.
Students who are in good standing and currently
enrolled in a U.S. higher-education institution are eligible to apply. We welcome applicants from programs in art history, archaeology, history, classics, religious studies, and other fields who might benefit from close
engagement with our collection and training in material-culture approaches.
To apply, please submit a CV and cover letter with a summary of your research interests, plans for future research, and an explanation of how the workshop would benefit your intellectual and professional development.
All materials should be submitted as a single PDF document to: MuseumCuratorial@gwu.edu.
Applications are due by July 1, 2025.
Applicants are also encouraged to explore other sources of funding support within their own institutions, and from various professional organizations that support research in the area of carpets, textiles, and the history of Islamic art.