Due to the ongoing Covid-19 Crisis, exhibitions and related events have been canceled and closed around the world. A growing number of museums and galleries have started sharing their current and many previous exhibitions using various online formats. We want to share some of the virtual textile-related events and exhibitions that we can all visit from home. As we continue practicing social distancing and adjusting to the ever-changing current landscape, we hope these virtual exhibitions and events provide a brief retreat until we can enjoy them in person together again.
Upcoming and Recorded Virtual Lectures:
April 16 (available via YouTube after April 16): Weathering the Storm: Navigating the Stimulus Package
Recorded: Anni Albers at the Glass House
Online Exhibitions and Virtual Tours:
Virtual Walkthrough: In Thread and On Paper: Anni Albers in Connecticut
Contemporary Muslim Fashions exhibition at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Collecting Comme at the National Gallery of Victoria Virtual Tour
Zoom Into This Embroidered Panel for a Cabinet Door at the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
Fabric: Touch & Identity at Compton Verney Art Gallery and Park
Bisa Butler at Katonah Museum of Art
Robin Rhode and Nari Ward: Power Wall at Lehmann Maupin Gallery
Eileen Gray at Bard Graduate Center Gallery
Virtual Tour of “Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams”
Masterpieces of English Medieval Embroidery
Fashion in the XVIIIth Century at the Musée des Arts Decoratifs
Campaigns on Cotton at the New York Historical Society
Argentinian Ponchos and Fajas: symbols of heritage at the Museo de Arte Popular José Hernández
Fashion at Versailles: “For him” Exhibit at the Palace of Versailles
Fashion at Versailles: “For her” Exhibit at the Palace of Versailles
African Textiles Today at the British Museum
Online Collections and Resources:
Online Exhibitions and Resources at the Museum at FIT
Art Institute of Chicago Online Resources and Collections
The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum Online Resources and Tours
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