TSA News
News from the President

Welcome to the TSA’s new ED, Ashley Occhino!
The Textile Society of America is delighted to announce the appointment of Ashley Occhino as our new Executive Director. Ashley was hired after an international executive search guided by Arts ...

2024 End of Year Letter from Leadership
As we wrap up an exciting and transformative year for TSA, we want to share with you the incredible strides we’ve made and the inspiring initiatives that will shape the ...

TSA Listening Session
TSA members are invited to participate in a community conversation and listening session with TSA leadership and Board members on Thursday, May 25th, from 10am-11am CST. This will be an ...

Member Letter March 2023
Member letter from Isaac Facio, TSA President 2023-2025, and Co-Vice Presidents Sharbreon Plummer (President-elect) and L Vinebaum (Symposia Academic Chair) Dear members of the Textile Society of America, We acknowledge ...

Announcing Newly Elected 2023 TSA Board Members
Dear TSA members, As President, I have the privilege of announcing the newly elected board members who will begin their terms in January. Our thanks goes to the Nominations committee, ...

Update to the Nominations for TSA’s Board of Directors timeline and incoming President announcement
Dear TSA Members, I am pleased to inform you that Isaac Facio has agreed to take on the role of President Elect. As a reminder, when former VP/President Elect Karen ...

Gratitude for Service
Dear TSA members and friends, With gratitude for their service, the Textile Society of America announces four resignations from its Board of Directors in late 2021 and early 2022. Ms ...

Farewell and Thank You to Caroline Charuk
TSA President's Letter December 2021 Dear TSA Members, We regret to announce that Caroline Charuk had tendered her resignation as Executive Director of Textile Society of America (TSA). Since 2015, ...

Letter from the President: Spring 2021
TSA President's Letter May/June 2021 Dear TSA Members, Skyline, 1958Designed by Eleanor Kluck (American, 1919-2016) and Henry Kluck (American, 1922-2007)Produced by Elenhank Designers, Inc.Screen printed linen269 × 132.1 cm (105 ...

Letter from the President: Winter 2021 Letter from Immediate Past President Lisa Kriner
Dear TSA Members, This is my last letter as President of TSA, and it has been an honor to serve in this position over the past 2 years. I am ...

TSA President’s Letter Spring 2020
Dear TSA Members, As this letter was in its final draft and going to press, the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the senseless death of so many other ...

Letter from the President
Dear Members and Friends, Spring has come at last to Toronto, where we recently held our Board meeting at the Textile Museum of Canada, and I am pleased to update ...

Past President’s Letter: Last Year’s Santa Fe International Folk Art Market—Join us this year!
For all the years that I have travelled annually to Santa Fe, in the past it was generally to see the Ethnographic textile shows that take place in August. These ...

Letter from the President
Dear Members and Friends, As we move through the fall season, I recall the energy present at our recent Symposium and the strong sense of fellowship and community. This opportunity ...

Letter from TSA’s New President Roxane Shaughnessy
Dear Members and Friends, Just over a month ago many of us were enjoying the shared excitement of joining together on the beautiful UCLA campus, and participating in the 14th ...

Letter from the President: SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM—part 1
MAC ARTHUR FELLOWS SPEAKERS The Symposium is coming up very soon and we are all gearing up for an amazing series of events. Today I wanted to share with you ...

Letter from TSA President, Elena Phipps : New Board Roles
Dear Members, There have been a couple of changes to the standing Board of Directors which I would like to share with you. At our March meeting, the Board agreed ...

TSA at College Art Association: A Message from The President
College Art Association is coming up February 12-15, 2014 in Chicago. Its always heartening to see textiles presented in this context, and this year there are a number of panels ...

President’s Blog
July 12, 2013 Last night I attended the opening in Chelsea of very intriguing show. Curated by Terry Winters, a New York painter, the show is called Roving Signs. It ...

Presidents Blog, June 12, 2013
Well, Paris is nice, but New York also has a lot to offer in the textile world. Today at MOMA I was curious about the different textile-related art that might ...

TSA President’s Blog: April 8, 2013
Monday April 8, Today was the opening of the exhibition The Philippines: archipelago of exchange at the Quai Branly Museum. An unexpected mix of 16th century wooden male and female ...

TSA President’s Blog: April 7, 2013
I am currently spending a month in Paris teaching a seminar, Coloring the Globe: textiles and dyes, trade and culture, at the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes. This also gives me ...