TSA News
Travel Log

TSA at College Art Association: A Message from The President
College Art Association is coming up February 12-15, 2014 in Chicago. Its always heartening to see textiles presented in this context, and this year there are a number of panels ...

Velvets of Italy Tour 2013
The thing about experiences abroad looking back is it’s difficult to believe that they actually happened. It’s incredible to think that the tiny boot-shaped spot on your globe marked Italy ...

Textiles and Tourism: Vietnam
Earlier this summer I had the good fortune to take a group of students to Vietnam for a class titled “Food, Fashion, and Art through Tourism: Imagining the Nation of ...

Textile Artists Shine at the International Folk Art Market-Santa Fe
By Mary Littrell Question: What ensues when 180 artists from 60 countries join with 1,700 organizational volunteers and 22,000 shoppers? Answer: The 10th International Folk Art Market of Santa Fe, ...

Textiles Close Up: Indonesia at the Yale University Art Gallery
"It is always women who weave in Southeast Asia.” Dr. Barnes explained that because women are associated with fertility, by extension so are their textiles. At weddings, the gift from ...

Having just returned from my first TSA study tour, it is an experience I highly recommend. The tour brought together a lovely mix of participants with diverse backgrounds but a ...

TSA President’s Blog: April 8, 2013
Monday April 8, Today was the opening of the exhibition The Philippines: archipelago of exchange at the Quai Branly Museum. An unexpected mix of 16th century wooden male and female ...

Where’s Borneo?
Where’s Borneo? I heard that question many times before leaving for Kuching to attend the International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Dyes & World Eco-Fiber and Textile Forum (ISEND-WEFT.) Borneo, ...

Can We Talk? Textiles, Change and NGOs in Kutch
Change can be earth shattering. And in Kutch, the shattering earth brought about profound changes. The 2001 earthquake devastated the area and thrust it into the global limelight. The subsequent ...

On Not Stitching: Early Thoughts
I visited Hoorbai today. It has been a long time since my last visit and much has changed: we are both older, our children bigger, and she does only a ...

Narrating the Lowcountry – Charleston to Savannah (pt.2)
Upcoming, April 2013 – Artist/Designer Jill Kinnear will present her recent creative project, Architecture of the South, at SCAD, Savannah. http://www.jillkinnear.com While ornament is encoded with history it is also ...

New Connections in Kutch
You might be on my mailing list. And if you received a TSA press release over the past six months, it would have been sent from Western India. As the ...

Qaraqalpaqs of the Aral Delta
For the past fourteen years TSA members David and Sue Richardson have been visiting the Central Asian outpost of Qaraqalpaqstan, researching the history and culture of the Qaraqalpaqs who mainly ...