Given annually to a publication judged to be the best book in the field of ethnic textile studies, the R.L. Shep Ethnic Textiles Book Award consists of a cash prize funded by an endowment established by R.L. Shep in 2000. The purpose of this award is to encourage the study and understanding of textile traditions by recognizing and rewarding exceptional scholarship. Books are reviewed by the R. L. Shep Award Committee.
The award committee has selected six titles (out of a total of 23 eligible, nominated books) to constitute a shortlist. The selected books are listed below, in alphabetic order by author:
Empire of Style: Silk and Fashion in Tang China, BuYun Chen, Seattle: University of Washington Press
Baluchars: The Woven Narrative Silks of Bengal, Jasleen Dhamija, New Delhi: Niyogi Books
The Persian Carpet Tradition: Six Centuries of Design Evolution, P. R. J. Ford, London: Hali Publications
The Indian Textile Sourcebook, Avalon Fotheringham, London: Thames and Hudson.
A Royal Treasure: The Javanese Batik Collection of King Chulalongkorn of Siam, Dale Carolyn Gluckman and Sarttarat Muddin (eds.), Bangkok: Queen Sirikit Museum
The Persian Carpet: The Forgotten Years 1722-1872, Hadi Maktabi, London: Hali Publications
The final award winner will be announced in TSA News in the coming months.
To nominate a book published in 2020, and to view past winners, please visit the award page on our website here: https://textilesocietyofamerica.org/programs/awards-scholarships/shep
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