TSA members are invited to participate in a community conversation and listening session with TSA leadership and Board members on Thursday, May 25th, from 10am-11am CST. This will be an open conversation to provide members with an opportunity to engage with Board members and each other, ask questions about upcoming programming and events, and foster community among TSA members. Representatives from the Membership, Outreach and Programming Committee, the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee, the Awards and Scholarships Committee, and the TSA President and Co-Vice Presidents look forward to hearing from you! The event will be held on Zoom in a meeting format, with Zoom closed captioning enabled. TSA’s Zoom license allows for a maximum of 100 participants, so please register below.
If you are not a member but would like to become one and join this listening session, please click this link to become a member: https://textilesocietyofamerica.org/membership/join#account/join.
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