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The submission portal for the TSA Symposium is now open!
TSA is accepting proposals for individual presentations, chaired sessions, panel discussions and roundtable conversations, and “warp speed” and poster sessions. TSA is also accepting proposals for sessions that do not fall under one of these categories. Individuals may submit more than one proposal (for example, a proposal to chair a session and present an individual paper, etc.)
Submission Links
Panel discussions and roundtable conversations
“Warp speed” and poster sessions
When you click one of the links above, you will be prompted to create an account with Oxford Abstracts. Registration with Oxford Abstracts is required to view and submit a submission form.
Presenters will be asked to upload an abstract or description of their proposed presentation or session; to describe how their presentation or session relates to the Symposium theme, and to select one or two Symposium sub-themes that best relate to their proposal. There is a field to let TSA know more about your interests in the proposed topic. Proposals may optionally be accompanied by visual images, your resumé, and comments about how the proposal relates to TSA’s anti-racism, equity, and accessibility mission.
Accepted formats for submission include text entry, PDF document uploads, and links to audio files. Supporting images and visuals (optional) should be submitted as PDF documents.
Submission of a proposal to the Symposium implies that presenters intend to register for the Symposium and participate in the capacity proposed (individual presenter, session chair, moderator, etc.). Submission also implies agreement to provide an accessible-format PDF of their paper by October 30, 2024 (individual presentations and organized session presenters only). Easy to follow, step-by-step guidelines for making accessible documents will be provided by TSA. Accessible PDFs prioritize user experience with features designed to visually aid individuals with disabilities. In submitting a proposal, you permit TSA to publish your abstract on the TSA website, the Symposium digital platform and app, and in publications including, but not
limited to, the Symposium Program and Proceedings. Sessions will be recorded and made available to registered Symposium participants for 90 days after the Symposium.
TSA strives to provide submission processes that accommodate the submitter. If you have access needs not covered here, please email info@textilesocietyofamerica.org to arrange an alternate mode of submission.
Important dates
Deadline has been extended to April 15, 2024: Deadline to submit to the call for participation
April 15, 2024: Applications for Scholarships and fee waivers opens (additional details to be announced by TSA in March)
May 15, 2024: Notifications sent to everyone who submitted to the call for participation; scholarship and fee waiver applicants notified
June 15, 2024: Deadline for accepted presenters, chairs, and discussants to confirm their participation
July 15th, 2024: Preliminary program is published and early registration opens
October 30, 2024: Presenters provide accessible-format PDFs of their papers to TSA (individual presentations and organized session presenters only)
TSA is looking forward to receiving your proposals!
Questions? Please email info@textilesocietyofamerica.org
Are you interested in reading and reviewing proposals? (individuals who plan to submit to the Symposium may also act as readers and reviewers) Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScP9Kt39bp6bPGmC6wsy2UjorNRvd4cogQCDn5wLPyypyY2hg/viewform
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