TSA News

Remembering the Velvet Workshop at the TSA Symposium 2012
A Day in Figured Velvet: Technique, Pattern, Loom was a highly informative workshop held at the TSA Conference held this summer in Washington, DC. The workshop was led by Julie ...

Fortuny y Madrazo Exhibition
If you need a break from the busy pace of the pre-holiday season, an oasis of sumptuous beauty can be found at the exhibition Fortuny y Madrazo: An Artistic Legacy, ...

ALFONSA HORENG of Indonesia recalls, “I remembered what my father always said: ‘Never leave the land your great grandfathers inherited to you, and develop it for a good cause.’ That ...

Qaraqalpaqs of the Aral Delta
For the past fourteen years TSA members David and Sue Richardson have been visiting the Central Asian outpost of Qaraqalpaqstan, researching the history and culture of the Qaraqalpaqs who mainly ...