The Textile Society of America is excited to present our biennial symposium virtually this year. While we recognize the value of meeting face-to-face, we hope that this year’s meeting will be an opportunity to expand the reach of the symposium. Presenting at, or attending an online event may feel challenging at first, but we are here to support you, and hope that you will bear with us as this is a learning experience for us too. Below are some questions we anticipate you might have. If you have a question that is not answered here, send us an email.
Do I need to be a TSA member to attend the Symposium?
This year, as we navigate the reality of an online symposium, we encourage membership of all non-presenting attendees, but it is not a requirement. All of our presenters are current TSA members, a requirement for presenting at a TSA symposium. Membership includes access to our directory and members’ Facebook group, eligibility for TSA awards and scholarships, journal discounts, publication opportunities, and helps support the exchange and dissemination of knowledge about textiles worldwide. If you have already joined TSA, you can check your membership status here.
How will I access the sessions I want to attend?
Much like our in-person symposia, this symposium is composed of twelve concurrent sessions, with multiple options or “rooms” for each session. There will also be sessions that everyone will attend together, like the Keynote, Plenary, and film sessions.
As you go through the registration process, you will be asked to pre-select one option for each of the twelve concurrent session time slots. Several days prior to the event, you will receive an email invitation to join CrowdCompass, the symposium app, which you will access via your computer or mobile device. The app will provide you with an easy-to-access schedule of your selected sessions, including the corresponding Zoom links. You may edit your selections at that time.
Will the sessions be recorded?
Unlike an in-person symposium, you will not have the option to leave one room and move to another mid-session. We are planning to record all sessions via Zoom, and share them after the symposium, pending permission from the presenters.
I’m a presenter, and I’ve never done this before! What do I need to know?
As a presenter, you should register for your own session, and use the same Zoom link as attendees. Please plan to enter your session 10 minutes early so that you can test your audio and video. Each session will be hosted by a TSA board member or volunteer, who will help with tech issues, keep time, and field Q&A.
Your presentation should be 20 minutes long, to give enough time to other presenters and allow for Q&A time. You will be able to share your screen to present images or slides. Use the presentation software of your choice. Before your session, please check that your webcam, microphone, and internet connection are functioning well. If you do not have a strong or reliable internet connection, you may also be able join by phone. Please contact if you need this accommodation.
There will be an orientation session on October 14th at 1:00 PM Eastern for presenters to go over this information and practice in a Zoom setting.