Call for Nominations for Board of Directors is now closed.
TSA is extending the Call for Nominations for Board of Directors to August 28th, 2022.
As we continue to develop and restructure our work at all levels to reflect TSA’s active mission to be a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization, we believe this extension will allow for more communication during the nomination process.
TSA and the Board of Directors are continuing a partnership with artEquity. The partnership is focused on organizational anti-racism and structural revisioning. Through communication and dialog with members, along with new approaches to symposium planning, TSA hopes to create open discussion, consultation, and encourage feedback from our constituents.
We highly encourage people from all groups currently underrepresented in the cultural sector and in public discourse about textiles, social identities, and the creative process to be part of TSA’s future. We are actively recruiting and encouraging self-nominations from BIPOC, POTGM, LGBTQIA2S+, and international (non-US based) candidates for the open Board positions.
We have enjoyed being in touch with you throughout this nomination process and would like to stay connected. We are happy to communicate with you directly as you consider being part of TSA leadership. Please contact us at boardelections@textilesocietyofamerica.org
Updated Nominations Timeline:
- Call for Board of Directors nominations: May 6 through August 28, 2022
- Ballots available: September, 12, 2022
- Voting ends: October 16, 2022
- Beginning of term for new Board Directors: Mid -January, 2023
For more information about artEquity, please visit their website: www.artequity.org.
Image: “LOVELOVELOVE” 1969 Designed by Maija Isola (Finnish, 1927–2001) Produced by Marimekko Oy (Founded 1951) Finland, Helsinki
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