Member Listening Session on TSA programming
TSA members are invited to participate in a conversation and listening session about future programming with TSA leadership and Board members Wednesday, June 28th, 10am-11am CST.
This open conversation will provide TSA members with an opportunity to hear about upcoming programming and to share their ideas and suggestions for future programming, including the 2024 symposium. This is also an opportunity to hear about volunteer opportunities with TSA and to get involved. Representatives from the Membership, Outreach and Programming Committee;the Volunteers and Mentorship Committee; the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee; the Communications Committee; the Finance Committee will be there along with the TSA President and Co-Vice Presidents. We look forward to hearing from you!
The event will be held on Zoom in a meeting format with Zoom closed captioning enabled. TSA’s Zoom license allows for a maximum of 100 participants, so please register below.
If you are not a member but would like to become one and join this listening session, please click this link to become a member: https://textilesocietyofamerica.org/membership/join#account/join.
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