TSA News
TSA Announcements

Cancelling our 2021 Event
Dear TSA members and friends, I am writing to inform you of the Board’s final decision to cancel our proposed in-person event scheduled for September 2021 in Boston. We came ...

Welcome Amy DiPlacido as our TSA News Digital Content Editor
Amy DiPlacido is currently the Head Curator at San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles, where she has collaborated on shows involving historic and contemporary fashion and textiles. Amy oversees ...

COVID-19 Resources and Related TSA Updates
As we all navigate the many challenges resulting from the developing COVID-19 crisis, we need to make the following TSA announcements: - The April TCU in Toronto is canceled and ...

Announcement: A Transition for our Newsletter
It is with excitement that we announce that the TSA Board has voted and agreed that the Textile Society of America Newsletter will shift from the twice yearly PDF format ...

Cooper Hewitt Objects of the Day for Textiles Month
The Cooper Hewitt Museum has invited TSA Members to share their favorite textile pieces. One will be featured each day, through the month of September, as the Object of the ...

Introducing TSA’s new Membership & Communications Coordinator
Please join us in welcoming Caroline Hayes Charuk as TSA’s new Membership & Communications Coordinator: Caroline is a visual artist who works with textiles, ceramics, and other materials to make ...

Textile Society of America announces 2014 winner of R.L. Shep Ethnic Textiles Book Award
Berkeley, CA—The Textile Society of America is pleased to announce that Ralph Isaacs is the recipient of the 2014 R.L. Shep Ethnic Textiles Book Award for his book titled Sazigyo, ...

Special invitation for TSA members only
Talking Textiles Seminar, Tuesday, November 17, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm, NCY Dorothy Waxman, member of Textile Society of America and resident of New York City, invites members to attend ...

Now accepting proposals to present at Crosscurrents: Land, Labor, and the Port TSA’s 15th Biennial Symposium in Savannah, Georgia Berkeley, CA—The Textile Society of America (TSA) announces its 15th Biennial ...

2016 Symposium Call For EXHIBITIONS
Savannah, Georgia, October 19th - 23rd, 2016 Textile Society of America’s 15th Biennial Symposium Organized in collaboration with Savannah College of Art and Design. Timeline Submission process opens: May 1, ...

TSA Establishes a New Award Fellows of the Textile Society of America.
“As we honor path-breaking leaders in the field, we also foreground the diverse ways that textiles are integral to human experience, emphasize the central roles that textiles play in life, ...

Explore TSA’s Online Membership and Registration System
Explore TSA’s Online Membership and Registration System with Membership Associate Lauren Hartman In 2013 TSA implemented an online system for membership, donations, and program registration. This system has strengthened our ...

12th Brandford/Elliott Awardee Announced
Andrea Donnelly Honored with 12th Brandford/Elliott Award at Textile Symposium The Textile Society of America convened for its 14th Biennial Symposium in Los Angeles, Sept. 10-14, 2014. At the closing ...

Textile Society of America Announces 2013 Winner of R.L. Shep Ethnic Textiles Book Award
Berkeley, CA—Resplendent Dress from Southeastern Europe: a History in Layers, by Elizabeth Wayland Barber and Barbara Belle Sloan, editors, earned the 2013 R. L. Shep Ethnic Textile Book Award from ...

Introductions & Welcome New Members of the 2014-2016 Board of Directors
Vice President/President Elect Vita Plume is an artist and educator who has exhibited her work through- out Canada, U.S.A., Japan, Poland, Latvia, and Finland. She holds an MFA (Nova Scotia ...

TSA Welcomes New Membership Associate
Dear Members, It is with great enthusiasm that I introduce you to the newest member of the TSA staff. Lauren Hartman joined TSA in June in as Membership Associate. This ...

Top 10 Reasons to Register
for the 2014 Biennial Symposium, New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future, in Los Angeles, September 10-14 10. A Beautiful Setting Enjoy warm fall weather amongst the flowers and bamboo ...

Welcome Maleyne Syracuse, New TSA Board Tressurer
We are happy to announce that Maleyne Syracuse has join TSA's Board of Directors. Maleyne brings her years of professional finance experience and a commitment to the textiles field. Please ...

Board Nominations Now Open
Nomination forms: Click to Nominate a Colleague Click to Nominate yourself TSA is soliciting nominations for the Board of Directors. Board positions open for the next Election cycle include the Vice President/President-Elect, ...

Call for Art – A Juried Exhibition of the Textile Society of America
New Directions A Juried Exhibition of the Textile Society of America September 13, 2014 – January 4, 2015 Craft & Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles In conjunction with the Textile ...

President’s Blog
July 12, 2013 Last night I attended the opening in Chelsea of very intriguing show. Curated by Terry Winters, a New York painter, the show is called Roving Signs. It ...

Best wishes to Char Cosby, Manager of the National Office since 2007
Charlotte Cosby, our manager of the TSA National Office since 2007 is leaving TSA on June 30. Char has been an incredible asset to the organization over the last six ...

TSA Welcomes New Executive Director
TSA is growing. Our diverse membership of artists, scholars, curators, teachers, conservators, dealers, collectors, and students continues to expand. At the same time, we are developing new systems and new ...

TSA President’s Blog: April 7, 2013
I am currently spending a month in Paris teaching a seminar, Coloring the Globe: textiles and dyes, trade and culture, at the Ecoles des Hautes Etudes. This also gives me ...

New Connections in Kutch
You might be on my mailing list. And if you received a TSA press release over the past six months, it would have been sent from Western India. As the ...

TSA has a new Treasurer!
Nina Olson is the National Taxpayer Advocate and serves as an advocate for taxpayers to the IRS and Congress. She served on the Textile Museum's Advisory Council, and then was ...

When Design Burst From Cloth
Last summer, TSA organized a New York Textile Study Day, the highlight of which was a visit to the studio of Seth Tillett and Nicole Rauscher. Tillett and Rauscher have ...

2012 Founding Presidents Award Winners Announced
The TSA Founding Presidents Award for the best paper presented at the 2012 Symposium, Textiles & Politics, was jointly awarded to Miriam Ali-de Unzaga and Kirsty Robertson. FPA was established ...